Get Involved
Parent involvement plays a crucial role in making sure every child's needs are met.
Get Connected
Communicate with other parents over concerns or issues that directly impact the school.
Get Prepared
Each school year bonus academic programs that are not state sponsored are funded directly by our contributions of our community.
Get Excited
Having our children see how committed we are to their school plays an important role on their perception of empathy and happiness when helping others.
Franklin Elementary Parent-Teacher Association
Franklin Elementary has existed since 1859 and has grown substantially over the years to provide education for K-6 with focus on children learning the basic values of honesty, kindness, generosity, courage, freedom, equality and respect. It becomes even more important that parents and teachers also display those values so children are able to observe and follow as adults do.
With those basic needs, the PTA, at Franklin Elementary, strive to provide the connection between the parents, the teachers and the students. Our main focus is to build a strong sense of community and using that energy to help support school in as many ways possible. These include volunteering, running art docent programs, provide funding for programs/activities, award students and ensure students basic needs are being met mentally/physically.
Being active members in the community allow parents to stay informed on the school directly and be able to have answers to questions that may be, otherwise, harder to find. Having a voice of change for things that the PTA supports allows for more options that would be normally be seen.
We DO NOT require volunteering or donations of any sort. However, it is highly appreciated and welcome. If you wish to join, there is a cost of $10 to cover our membership and insurance to the National PTA. Please click here to go to the membership page.